

8 solidarity campaings

Total collected: €8.863,80


Lottery pick


Individual donations


Direct contribution from Basetis

An individual person submits an initiative to Social area and states what donation she has made.

The initiative is told to the whole company.

A period is opened for all those who wish to contribute in their personal capacity.

The period closes and Basetis, as a company, applies a multiplier factor to the money that people have contributed to the initiative.

Arrels Fundació

Arrels Fundació
Ningú dormint al carrer durant la pandèmia
€4.316( 830 + 3486 )

Progat Catalunya

Progat Catalunya
€501,60 (114 + 387,60)

Petits Detalls ONG

Arrels Fundació

Fundació Banc dels Aliments Barcelona

Plataforma Fem-lo girar

Plataforma Fem-lo girar
€1.596,20( 347 + 1249,20)

Creu Roja

Creu Roja




4 sponsorships

Total contribution to sponsorships: €1.985

An individual person submits a sponsorship proposal and explains his or her involvement.

Social studies the proposal and decides on the involvement of Basetis in the sponsorship.

The person involved makes a blog post and announces the initiative before the event and afterwards.

Associació Esportiva Muntanyencs de la Vila

Associació Esportiva Muntanyencs de la Vila

Cursa dels Termes 2021 d’Arenys de Munt


La Mare del Tano

La Mare del Tano

Rural Trail 2021


Club bàsquet Sant Just Sènior femeni 2021

Club Bàsquet Sant Just

Sènior femení 2021


Institut Català d'Oci Alternatiu i Noves Tecnologies (ICOA)

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